farafina KOROFO-made in Africa 


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Korofo (Anglais)

NB.-cette traduction est simplement indicative, puisque je ne maîtrise pas l'anglais. 
In Africa, like everywhere in the world, behind the acts and the gestures simple, through the banal one and the futile one of the daily life of each person, the assets of the thousands of years of humanity are revealed. The world is old and the future one leaves the past. Even the most stripped people have a perpetual invention of the life. Art is expressed in the current even life, without specific or reserved place. The work of art of the people is in theory their effective existence. In spite of all, and despite everything the art of the people their remainder like means of life and survival. The viability of a culture is measured by its search of the cardinal values of existence. And each person deserves it is her virtuosity, which it translates into practical act of existence. Our civilizations consist with a culture of the rites of the life.  
korofo (in bamanan is the chat, the opinion, the speech, criticism, the debate) is art to put art in the life; it has the creed to cause with the people the awakening of the beauty of their civilizations. It offers to the public the images and qualities of its myths, its habits, its values and ideals.  


(c) Djimé Diakité - Créé à l'aide de Populus.
Modifié en dernier lieu le 18.08.2007
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