farafina KOROFO-made in Africa 


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african humanity

In African spirituality, the people do not live only of nature and in the world; they do not dominate them; but they there are deeply inserted and combined. They survive and remain only while knowing well to use their richnesses. From this point of view, the person is located in the world not while affirming herself against all that is not him and its works, but while conceiving herself like a share of nature, and in continuity with it. Thus taking part in the same life, all the beings which exist have an original fraternity. The artistic act is the natural heritage of the people because the world is unfinished, and the existence is imperfect. The man imitates the work of creative God and supplements it. The act of art reproduces the mystery of paramount creation related to the original force. The objet d'art is to found the genius of the man, and to register it in the universal harmony.  


(c) Djimé Diakité - Créé à l'aide de Populus.
Modifié en dernier lieu le 17.10.2005
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